Wednesday, March 30, 2011

UFC Fighter / Testimonial

I was introduced to the Isagenix products when I was looking to cut weight for a fight. With a lot of wrestling experience I am no stranger to dropping weight for a match, but this time I was not making a lot of progress.
The BJJ coach at Ring Sports United, Joel Burris and I started talking nutrition. I had cut the calories and was getting in some major cardio, but had only lost 3lbs. He offered Isagenix as a solution. I could see that it had worked for him and a couple of guys that I know so I gave it a shot.
I started with the IsaLean Shakes, Ionix Supreme and the Cleanse for Life - not even a full Nutritional Cleanse. I kept up my workouts, but work that week was pretty busy, so I couldn't get the same amount in. Just as Joel and I planned out, I had several small meals with as many fruits and vegetables I could. I think I was eating more than I had been the week prior. Over the next 3 days I lost 12 lbs. and even more important at the time - it didn't effect my conditioning. Later that week we found out that the weight class changed to unlimited, so I added another small meal or 2 to the program and I went right back to my natural weight.
Through the processes I still leaned out and added lean muscle. I felt better and more energized through the day and my workouts felt stronger. One of the really cool parts that surprised me was that my recovery time was cut in half. So I could push harder and longer and still be ready to go the next morning.
I wanted to share this with you because that is the reason I want to share the Isagenix program with you.
Since I had gotten such great results I became more interested in my diet. I have also researched a little more about all the toxins that are all around us. It is pretty interesting and a little scary really. It has made me even happier with my choice to be using Isagenix products to both meet nutritional needs and cleanse.
There is a lot of info about the products the Nutritional Cleanse, the company and so on. Way to much to make you read through here.
So I will tell you what I tell my friends - You have two choices - the Athletic Pak and the 30Day Cleanse. These two packs have all the products that you need to get going.
When you can read through what ever you like, but trust me, you can't miss. The company will even give you a 100% refund of the products if you don't feel they were all that.

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