Monday, April 25, 2011

How to Eat, Share & Get Paid!!

7 Reasons To Cleanse

1) Strengthen The Immune System. Cleansing impurities and flooding the body with high grade essential nutrients allows the internal body to strengthen its immune system.

2) Support Your Vital Organs. Gentle cleansing allows your vital organs (liver, colon, uninary tract, sweat glands, skin pores, lyphatic system, etc.) to perform their functions more effinciently.

3) Elliminate Unhealthy Cravings And Support Healthy Brain Chemistry. Cleansing and replenishing allows the internal body to convert nutrients into healthy brain chemicals that create an environment that craves good nutritious food.

4) Slow The Effects Of Aging. Cleansing and replenishing allows our cells the ability to attack the affects of aging head on.

5) Lose Weight And Feel Great. Cleansing aids in the bodies ability to flush fat and increase metabolism.

6) Love Your Liver. A clean healthy liver supports metabolism and fat burning ability.

7) Restore Antioxidants. Antioxodants are substances that block and destroy free radicals.

Friday, April 22, 2011


1) The ISagenix products contain trace minerals, gentle cleansing herbs, antioxidants, essential vitamins and a rich undenatured whey protein that is free of hormones, streroids and antibiotics.

2) Rich in nutriants and low in calories, Isagenix helps lower calorie intake. It's proven that high-calorie diets contribute to many of today's lifestyle health problems, most notibly obesity.

3) The Isagenix system provides the body with all the necessary branched-chain amino acids.

4) A natural and rewarding side benefit of the Isagenix system is that of safe and effective weight management.

5) Lean muscle production is also a potential benefit of the Isagenix products.

6) Isagenix is the perfect support for athletic performance.

7) The superior quality ingredients in Isagenix are the ideal catalyst for cleansing the bodyof impurities and replenishing it withessential nutrients.

8) The Isagenix system is flexible and offers mulitple options to meet the needs of virtually every individual.

9) It's program supports the liver and gastrointestinal system.

10) Another terrific benefit of the Isagenix system is that supports brain chemistry and helps curb cravings.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Isagenix Product Information

Why Network Marketing?

According to Robert Kiyosaki (best selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The Cashflow Quadrant), one of the best ways to create wealth is in network marketing.  So, who else is recommending network marketing?

  • Warren Buffet who owns 3 network marketing companies
  • Donald Trump co-author of Why We Recommend Network Marketing
  • Paul Zane Pilzer economic adviser to 2 presidential administrations and best selling author and trend setter
  • Robert Allen author of 5 books on how to achieve financial success
Now, why should you consider network marketing?
We all want to live a richer lifestyle; however, most of us are not financially secure to do so.  In order to make more money we need to work more hours essentially trading our time for money.  But what if you could create a residual income making an effort only once and getting paid for it over and over again.  Think of it as a royalty.  This is exactly what network marketing is.  Robert Kiyosaki said, “The richest people in the world build networks and the rest of us look for work.”  Did you know that more millionaires have been created in the network marketing than in any other industry?
Next lets look at some of the advantages of network marketing:
  • Work from home or anywhere else you are
  • No commuting or traffic jams
  • Be your own boss
  • Low overhead & start up costs and no inventory
  • Open to everyone
  • Tax advantages of having a home-based business
  • Time freedom
  • People helping other people
  • Personal development
  • No income limits (Ordinary people making extra ordinary income)
  • Recession proof industry
Lastly, I want to make it clear that network marketing is not a get rich quick scheme.  Note, it is not called “netplay” marketing.  However, this industry is open to anyone with no previous experience required if you are willing to work at it.  Oh, and by the way, it’s a lot of fun too!

Laser Treatments? Botox? Surgery? Really?

Feeling good in the skin you’re in is important. Wrinkles, fine lines and age spots can put a damper on your appearance, leaving you feeling self-conscious and sometimes even embarrassed to go out in public or have your picture taken.
Some people turn to drastic – and expensive – skin treatments such as Botox, laser treatments and even surgery to improve the signs of aging in the face. But do you really know what you’re getting yourself into when undergoing one of these procedures?
Risks of Laser Treatments
Laser treatment, or resurfacing, has grown in popularity over the last several years, but you might be unaware of some of the risks involved, and what results you can actually expect from this sometimes costly procedure.
Deep laser treatments involve using a laser to resurface your skin, removing sun-damaged skin and allowing newer skin to grow in its place. Some laser treatments also claim to improve collagen production by penetrating beneath the initial layer of skin to the dermis, where collagen helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
But some of the risks of laser treatment include hyperpigmentation, according to the Mayo Clinic. This is a condition marked by the appearance of spots on the skin that may be darker or lighter than your regular skin. These spots can last up to several months after your treatment. Laser treatments also put you at risk for a herpes infection, according to the Mayo Clinic, especially if you already have a history of cold sores or flare ups.
What’s more, laser treatment can put a hefty hole in your bank account. Initial treatments can run anywhere between $2,000 to $5,000, not including any touch-ups your doctor may need to perform later.
History of Botox
Hollywood made Botox famous, but did you know that Botox is actually a controlled form of the disease botulism? Botox acts as a temporary muscle relaxant to help smooth out wrinkled areas of the face such as crow’s feet around the eyes.
The side effects and dangers of Botox have been well-documented. In 2008, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning about Botox after several children who were treated with Botox for muscle spasms died. Side effects of Botox include itching, headache, nausea and temporary muscle weakness in the face. Although it’s uncommon for the botulism contained in Botox to spread throughout the body, it is a possibility.
Botox injections usually run between $125 to $400 for each area of the face you want treated. Keep in mind that the effects of Botox usually wear off within several weeks or months, so you’ll have to invest several thousand dollars per year to keep up your appearance.
Is plastic surgery your last hope?
Going under the knife means taking drastic measures to help improve your appearance. Any type of surgery has its inherit risks, and face lifts and other forms of plastic surgery are no exception.
A face lift involves a surgeon making a large incision around the area of your temple all the way back past your ears, then literally lifting the skin of your face up towards your hairline in order to stretch out the wrinkles in your face.
Although literally thousands of face lifts are performed across the country each year with minimal effects, there are some risks involved with plastic surgery. There’s no way to tell how your body will react to undergoing anesthesia strong enough to put you under. Significant bleeding or swelling can occur at the site of the incision, especially if the doctor removes fat or tissue from the area. People who undergo a face lift are usually out of commission for at least a few days, and you’ll have to expect to wear bandages for up to several  weeks after the procedure.
Muscle spasms and nerve damage in the face are also other risks involved when making such drastic changes to your skin and muscles.
Not to mention the fact that a face lift can run you anywhere from $6,000 to $15,000, depending on hospital costs, anesthesia and your doctor’s fees.

A Safe and Inexpensive Alternative
If you want to avoid the high costs and numerous risks involved with major skin treatments and surgeries, why not use a product that can address all the skin care issues outlined above? Ageless Renewal Serum by Isagenix® can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (see right), helps exfoliate your skin and repairs damaged skin through its powerful blend of peptides, antioxidants and epidermal growth factors.
Unlike some serums and treatments that use harsh, skin-irritating chemicals that may require downtime to make skin look healthier, Ageless Renewal Serum helps the skin “remember” what it has “forgotten” as we age. This naturally-derived formula works in harmony with the body to support the skin’s natural ability to produce collagen and other proteins.

Best of all, it costs pennies on the dollar when compared to expensive treatments and surgeries that have made Hollywood doctors rich beyond compare.
So the next time you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, reach for Ageless Renewal Serum and give your wallet and your worries a break.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

De-stress to Defy Aging

Posted: 16 Apr 2011 02:18 PM PDT
Finding ways to cope with stress is key to healthy aging, research suggests.
Finding ways to cope with stress is key to healthy aging, research suggests.
A little bit of stress is important to keep you awake, active, and motivated. However, when we experience chronic periods of intense stress, our bodies begin to feel the burden. This April is Stress Awareness Month and a perfect time to acknowledge what you’re feeling and why.
The Health Resource Network, a non-profit organization, decided to set aside these four weeks to improve awareness about the dangers of stress and begin the promotion of healthy habits, on a national level. Adding to the recognition of how stress affects our health, new research has come out showing that chronic psychological stress may actually take years off your life, acting on a cellular level. Have we mentioned the importance of telomeres?
Many conditions of poor health, including the inevitable fate of aging, have been linked with the shortening of telomeres. Telomeres are the protective caps on our chromosomes that enable successful cell division and replication. These structures have come to the forefront of the battle for long-term health.
Findings from University of California, San Francisco, (UCSF) investigators presented April 4 added to an emerging body of evidence that psychological stress may accelerate shortening of telomeres, and how regular exercise may help to prevent it. In addition, a new study published in the March issue of PLoS ONE, showed that chronic depression is linked with accelerated reduction of telomere length. Researchers from the University of California San Francisco, including Nobel laureate Elizabeth Blackburn, matched 18 individuals with a history of major depressive disorders with 17 control participants. The researchers measured leukocyte (white blood cell) telomere length, as well as assessed oxidative stress and inflammatory markers.
Leukocytes are important cells for immune function and pathogen resistance. The authors looked specifically at leukocytes to view how our protective pathways are specifically impacted by psychological stress.
The participants that suffered from chronic depression had significantly shorter telomeres. Additionally, telomere length was inversely related to oxidative and inflammatory stress. Or rather, more stress and more cell destruction, equals shorter telomeres. The authors gathered that a cascade of stress hormones, “chronic inflammation and oxidation may be mechanisms by which chronic depression can result in shortened telomeres.”
These results add evidence to the widely observed phenomenon that chronically depressed persons have a greater incidence for chronic conditions and mortality.
The results of this study are not meant to cause you additional anxiety.  Experiencing concern that your body is undergoing too much stress is precisely what we want to avoid!  So be aware, there is a light at the end of this tunnel! Simple, conscious daily activities will help mitigate chronic stressors and keep your body healthy.
Whether you are trying to protect your leukocytes, delay the onset of aging or simply looking to clear your mind, here are a few daily rituals to put yourself at ease provided by none other than our own Facebook fans and Twitter followers:
  • Tina Bowers has this advice, “Take a sack lunch and eat it at the park while watching the ducks.” Seriously, what is more relaxing than that! Better yet, try “wandering in the bush,” and don’t forget a suit for “swimming,” suggests Cherie Burke. Kevin Boulton also advises taking in nature, “First thing in the morning drinking 1 oz of Ionix® Supreme, helps me relax [we agree, the product's adaptogens can help the body cope with stress]. The other thing is I like to take a drive with my wife and take in the countryside.”
  • Lorri Hollingsworth adds “meditation and deep breathing… aaaahh!” While this recommendation may be overstated—we feel its place is particularly important this month. Meditation not only has been linked to stress reduction and reducing the rate of telomeres, but it has also been associated with positive self-image, improved memory and concentration. Recent research has shown that meditation actually changes your brain’s gray matter!
  • “Good sleep,” suggests Juan Avila. Going without good sleep can definitely add a hearty amount of stress.
  • Several folks mentioned physical activity including Kathleen Morin, Rodney Bugg, Gregory Valiquette, and Karen Powers who like walking or jogging, Joanne Mikula who enjoys Iyengar yoga, Barbara Badgley who hits the gym, Yossi Montrose who exercises using a Performa Ball, and Jamal Eriksson who practices a few karate strikes on his makiwara. Andrea Garrote from Twitter adds “riding horses!” Healthy weight, a healthy heart and a healthy attitude are all reasons to take up exercise; however, increased activity also has been shown to mitigate the impact of stress on telomere length! Lengthen that walk and perhaps, lengthen your protective DNA.
  • Guruprasad Naik says, “talking to frenz… and music.” It’s true. Socializing is a powerful stress reliever, as Marion Moss knows; her advice, “swim or chat with wonderful people.” If friends aren’t around, consider how Kristi O’Neill from Twitter relieves stress: “walking my dog, reading a romance novel, or watching a movie.”
O’Brien. 2011. “Exercise May Prevent Impact of Stress on Telomeres, A Measure of Cell Health.” University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). April 4, 2011.
Wolkowitz OM, Mellon SH, Epel ES et al. Leukocyte telomere length in major depression: correlations with chronicity, inflammation and oxidative stress – preliminary findings. PLoS One 2011;6:e17837.
Related posts:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

5 Ways to Kick Start Your Summer Shape-Up

5 Ways to Kick Start Your Summer Shape-Up

by Isagenix® on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 11:14am
There might be snow on the ground or a chill still in the air, but summer weather is just around the corner—are you ready?

Even if you aren’t, we have five tips to help you gear up for the sunshine and summer clothes.

1.    Stock Up on Healthy Sunscreen. That bronzed physique might “look” healthy, but it’s not telling the whole story. Exposure to the sun’s damaging UV rays take a serious toll, resulting in destruction of collagen that leaves your skin with fine and deep lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and age spots. Yikes! Protect your skin year-round with SPF 30, PABA- and fragrance-free Isa SunGuard™. Isa SunGuard provides broad-spectrum sun protection using zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, two natural minerals that work to block UVA and UVB rays. Here’s a quick recording you can download to your iPod to learn more about Isa SunGuard.

2.    Trim Down. If you gave in to the comfort foods of winter a little too often, don’t worry! You have the tools to get back on track and trim off the extra pounds. Simply get your 9-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System or 30-DayCleansing and Fat Burning System to jump-start your results now so you’re ready to hit the beach as soon as that warm weather hits. Create your plan; whether it’s 30 days, 60 days or 90 days, make a commitment and track your results. You can even join the 2012 IsaBody Challenge starting April 15 to commit and go after the grand prize of $100,000.

3. Tone Up. Not sure how to get a good workout going? Why not take it from the fitness pros of Isagenix! features three workout videos that are suited to those who are new to working out, work out regularly or are committed to rigorous training schedules. Fitness Professional and Athlete Shane F. takes you through each workout with 2010 IsaBody Challenge® Winner Holly D. and Isagenix Co-Founder Kathy Coover. You can even purchase a DVD of the workouts at

4.    Give Your Skin a Healthy DrinkLet’s face it: No matter what the season, your skin dries out. Skip the cheap mall body lotions that can dry out your skin further and reach for a nourishing body cream that really works. The IsaDermix® Ultra Hydrating Hand & Body Cream includes shea butter, sweet almond oil and sunflower oil to replenish your skin with moisture while also infusing it with healthy botanicals such as Vitamin E, green tea, pomegranate, grape seed, cucumber and oat kernel extract. The luxe body cream goes on smooth and absorbs quickly without leaving a residue or strong fragrance.

5.    Get Energized. If the mellow months and dark days of winter have cut in on your energy, it’s time to load up on Vitamin D and other natural mood- and energy-boosting nutrients! Most of us do not get the recommended amounts of Vitamin D we need every day (1,000 IU or the equivalent of 20 minutes of sun exposure). Ageless Actives™ contains your daily recommended amounts of Vitamin D along with key nutrients such as Resveratrol and CoQ10. For even better results, try the Ageless Essentials™ Daily Pack, which contains two daily packets with Ageless Actives, Essentials for Men™ or Essentials for Women™ multivitamins, C-Lyte® (vitamin C supplement), and IsaOmega Supreme® (omega-3 supplement). More about the health benefits of the Ageless Essentials Daily Pack  on

Get revved up and ready for summer now—it’s never too early! To learn more about Isagenix products, visit

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fat Burning VS Sugar Burning

This information was derived from a lecture that was conducted on the Power Team
Saturday Morning Call by Peter Greenlaw, That lecture was given by Peter Greenlaw and was basedd on the extensive research he has been doing along with information from Dr. Dennis Harper for the book they are writing about cleansing and how the body functions.  His 90 ...minute lecture was condensed to the following few paragraphs by Sue Faggion.

How The Body Works
The human body is an amazing machine. It has between 60 and 70 trillion cells. Each
of those cells has it’s own individual “furnace” that makes that cell function. That furnace is called the mitochondria. In order to heat up the mitochondria in the cell and therefore help raise our metabolism our bodies require over 70 trace minerals and live, active enzymes daily combined with proper nutrition.
Our bodies are designed to burn fat. If you are overweight it’s a sure sign that you are not burning fat, you are burning sugar. We are going to talk about how to get those furnaces ignited again and get your body burning fat.
We have all been led to believe that dieting is what we need to do to lose weight.
Wrong. Look around you — it doesn’t work. When you reduce calories you slow down
the metabolism and shut down the mitochondria. Then when you stop the diet and begin to eat more calories again, your body now has less mitochondria fired up, your
metabolism is sluggish, you have elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone that
causes fat storage) and when you start eating again you put weight back on very quickly.
When you burn fat cells, the impurities are released into your system. Minerals and trace minerals carry the impurities away from the body tissue to the liver then allow the liver to deliver those impurities to the colon and out of the body. Without minerals this function does not happen. The soils in our country are severely depleted of minerals… we no longer get adequate minerals from the foods we eat. Isagenix products include 72 ionic minerals and trace minerals plus live, active enzymes. The minerals allow the enzymes to carry waste products from the cells to the liver. The liver produces bile that carries the waste products to the colon and out of the body. Without the minerals and enzymes, the impurities just get re-circulated throughout the body. Eventually the body recognizes those impurities as something toxic and creates fat cells to enrobe them, then puts them back into storage as fat.

Sugar-Burning Mode:
Your brain needs glucose (complex sugar) to function. Without carbohydrates/complex sugar your body burns lean muscle mass for fuel — that is sugar-burning. Sugarburning creates an acidic environment in the body, which is the breeding ground for disease. This acid environment causes further stress and more cortisol to lock down the fat stores.

Sugar-burning mode also leaches minerals from the bones. It increases the hormones insulin and cortisol. Those two “storage” hormones lock down the fat cells, lower the metabolism and put your body into the mode of burning lean muscle mass. Sugar-burning prevents the cells from absorbing oxygen. When the cells can’t absorb oxygen they can’t function properly and mutation occurs, otherwise known as disease. Sugar-burning also stops brain chemistry hormone production.

Fat-Burning Mode:
Fat-burning mode lowers insulin and cortisol levels, produces proper brain chemistry, gets oxygen into the cells and hydrates the cells. In fat-burning mode water goes into the cells and flushes out the acid and impurities that are stored there. Those acids and impurities circulate through the system until they are removed through the liver and colon or kidneys and bladder.

When you lose weight by reducing calories you slow down your metabolism and the cell’s mitochondria. When you start eating again you put the weight right back on because 1) the furnaces and metabolism have been shut down
2) without adequate minerals and enzymes the impurities still float around inside your body and are eventually stored back to fat.

The trick here is to get adequate nutrition balanced with proper glucose for brain function and ALL 70 minerals to flush the impurities out of the system along with living, active enzymes.  Isagenix has all this built in. It takes 2 days of cleansing with Cleanse For Life Drink to get your body into fat burning mode.
The only way to detoxify your body is to suspend digestion. The Isagenix cleanse is designed with 2 back-to-back days of cleansing with Cleanse For Life Drink for this reason: after you suspend digestion for only 4 hours your body begins to produce the hormones that make lean muscle mass and increase your metabolism. The first 24 hours your body cleans the sugars from the liver. The second 24 hours is when the body begins to burn fat.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Nutrition Month Tip: Eat Less Omega-6 for More Omega-3

Nutrition Month Tip: Eat Less Omega-6 for More Omega-3

by Isa Doc on Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 5:05pm
The need to increase omega-3 fats—alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) found in flax seed and walnuts; eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish—has sprung to the forefront of any healthy diet plan. These beneficial fats are profoundly beneficial for our hearts, our brains, our skin, and even our joints. Yes, these fats are vital to our health.
Switching to a diet lower in omega-6 oils may improve omega-3 status, a new study suggests.

The dietary shifts that took place in the 20th century because of developments in food processing to animal feeding-operations not only displaced important aspects of a sustainable food-system, but also displaced these essential fatty acids in our diets. A common misconception is that nutritional quality of foods decreased, alongside reduced intake of omega-3s. While it would seem that the Western diet is replete in everything but omega-3 fats, this is not the case.
Findings published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition are that North Americans are not consuming less omega-3 fatty acids; from 1909 to 1999, omega-3 consumption increased!
So, then, what is the problem?
While dietary intake of omega-3s has seen a modest increase, consumption of its counterpart, omega-6, has skyrocketed.
According to the study, over the last century, consumption of omega-6 fatty acids, particularly linoleic acid (LA) from soy and corn oil, increased more than a thousand fold! This is the likely reason why most of us have a reduced concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in our bodies.
Why? Omega-3s and omega-6s are both essential for our health, but unfortunately they compete with one another for access to enzymes and entrance into tissues.
Too much of omega-6 leads to too little of omega-3.
When consumption of dietary omega-6 increased disproportionally to dietary omega-3, with it came a jump in chronic health problems. This is thought to be because omega-6 oils are precursors to pro-inflammatory compounds where as omega-3s are less so.
So, our last tip for National Nutrition Month is: make omega-3 fats a focus of your diet. If your diet is too rich in omega-6, then the omega-3s simply can’t contend. Take control of your dietary fats by following these simple, practical, suggestions:
  • Switch oils! Avoid vegetable cooking oils that are high in omega-6. Use olive oil instead.
  • Avoid high-fat, processed foods.
  • Eat fish at least two times weekly and take a fish oil supplement. Fish oil is the best source of dietary EPA and DHA, the long-chain omega-3 fats that are associated with the majority of the benefits, especially to cardiovascular health. A quality fish oil supplement like Isagenix IsaOmega Supreme™ will be free of heavy metals, PCBs and dioxins.
  • Eat foods containing flax seed or walnuts. They contain a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, not to mention dietary fiber. Examples are Isagenix IsaLean® Shake or SlimCakes®, which feature flax seed.
  • Enjoy IsaCrunch hemp seed as a snack or in salads, soups and yogurts. This ancient food serves as a good source of protein and provides an ideal ratio of 3:1 omega-6 to omega-3 fats, which is similar to what our hunter-gatherer ancestors are likely to have eaten.

Isagenix has appeared on OPRAH, MTV, ABC, CNBC, the A-CHANNEL and more.

With over 14,000 new people starting the Isagenix Cleanse every month it has become the #1 Solution for achieving Results
Discover how simple, yet powerful actions that take only 5 minutes per day is helping thousands of people shed stubborn pounds and inches while making dramatic improvements to their health and lifestyle. With an unprecedented success rate of over 95% the Isagenix System is endorsed by medical doctors and famous authors, and has appeared on OPRAH, MTV, ABC, CNBC, the A-CHANNEL and more.

Isagenix is NOT a diet or detox. It is the ONLY Nutritional Cleanse which:
  • Gently removes impurities from ALL MAJOR ORGAN SYSTEMS AND CELLS
  • Simultaneously replenishes with over 240 essential nutrients
  • Balances brain chemistry to eliminate cravings while also supporting healthier hormone production, mood balance and mental clarity
  • Addresses lifestyle behaviours, making the transition to healthier lifestyle habits almost effortless
  • Has a side-effect of promoting rapid, healthy weight loss (especially from stubborn areas) while also supporting building lean muscle mass

• Endorsements by Credible Doctors, Famous Authors and International Trainers
• High Quality Product Integrity
• Internet-Based . . . 24/7 Business
• Excellent Training Tools ~ Simple Business
• Generous, Simple 2-Team Income Plan ~ Created 55 Millionaires in Only 8 Years
Leverage and Fun ~ Team Effort & Support . . . Choose Your Own Team-Mates
• World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing ~ Huge and Expanding “Wellness” Industry
• Products with Fast, Visual, Emotional Results ~ Consumable and Affordable
• A Perfect Solution to . . . Get Into Shape and Get Out of Debt
• Well Capitalized Company ~ Experienced “Visionary” Management

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fusing Aging Theories: Telomere Shortening Leads to Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Fusing Aging Theories: Telomere Shortening Leads to Mitochondrial Dysfunction

A study finds a link between two theories of aging, which could open doors for research into improved anti-aging therapies.
A study finds a link between theories of aging, which could open doors for research into groundbreaking therapies.
New research is adding insight and linking three theories of aging—one that suggests telomere shortening governs lifespan, and two others that suggest dysfunctional mitochondria or oxidative stress leads to aging.
At Harvard-affiliated Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, scientists have gathered data suggesting telomere shortening is the cause of mitochondrial dysfunction and diminished antioxidant defenses. Together, they decrease the body’s energy and diminish organ function, both characteristic of old age.
As telomeres—protective caps at the end of cell chromosomes—shorten with age and begin to fray, cells activate the p53 gene, which signals an “emergency shutdown” chain of events that turns off normal cell growth and division and compromise antioxidant defenses. Going one step further, data from the carefully orchestrated mouse study, published in Nature, show that the p53 gene also represses PGC1-alpha and PGC1-beta. These PCGs are considered the master regulators of metabolism and mitochondrial function.
Repressing PCGs increases the number of dysfunctional mitochondria (with mutated mitochondrial DNA) and leads to a decrease in functional mitochondria distributed throughout in muscles and organs. The dysfunctional mitochondria in aged tissues leak greater amounts of reactive oxygen species and the lack of functional mitochondria hinders normal energy production from cell respiration (the body’s main producer of ATP energy).

Is There a Link Between Telomeres and Dietary Fiber?

Telomeres may partly explain why eating whole-grains helps people live longer.
Telomeres may partly explain why eating whole-grains helps people live longer.
New evidence published in Archives of Internal Medicine has it that eating more dietary fiber, particularly from whole grains, could lead to a longer life. The large study found a high-fiber diet reduced risk of heart disease and cancer, as well as infectious and respiratory illnesses.
This is great news for those eating diets high in fiber. What’s also interesting is that another reason why dietary fiber is protective to health is because of its influence on telomeres. Telomeres are the protective caps at the end of chromosomes, and their length is considered the closest way to measure lifespan in humans.
As reported in a prospective cohort study published in the March 2010 edition of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN), telomere length is positively associated with higher fiber intake in women. Dietary fiber from whole grains appears to provide the strongest benefit.
In addition, in the AJCN study, the researchers found telomere length was negatively associated with increased waist circumference and higher intake of omega-6 fatty acids in the diet.

Why Dark Chocolate is Good for Her Heart

Scientists explain new findings on why dark chocolate is heart healthy.
Scientists find new explanation for why dark chocolate is heart healthy.
Listen up, men! On this Valentine’s Day, why not surprise your special lady with chocolates that are healthier for her heart? Dark chocolate eaten in moderate amounts weekly is associated with improved cardiovascular fitness in women, research suggests.
Scientists are only beginning to understand why dark chocolate is heart healthy, but a new study offers this explanation—its rich content of cocoa antioxidant compounds, called polyphenols, could enhance activity of special proteins called sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs), which are involved in cholesterol metabolism.
These activated SREBPs then bind to genes on DNA (sterol regulatory element sequences) that boost liver production of another protein called apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1), which is the major protein component of HDL “good” cholesterol.
Correspondingly, cocoa polyphenols decreased production of another protein in the liver called apolipoprotein B (ApoB), which is the major protein component of LDL “bad” cholesterol. The study also showed cocoa polyphenols induced activity of LDL receptors, allowing more cholesterol to be removed from the bloodstream.

No evidence of link between dairy and chronic disease

The popular press has recently reported on assumptions that regular consumption of milk or dairy products may increase risk of cardiovascular disease or death. However, new research has once again confirmed after systematically analyzing 17 studies that there is simply no evidence to substantiate these claims.
New research finds no evidence of dairy link to increased risk of heart disease or death.
New research finds no evidence of dairy link to increased risk of heart disease or death.
The evidence, in fact, shows just the opposite—drinking milk slightly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease (1). In addition, multiple studies show that milk and dairy proteins (whey and casein) may actually protect the heart by helping to maintain lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and lead to reduced bodyweight (2-4).
The renowned, epidemiologic and nutrition researcher Walter Willet, Ph.D., and his group at Harvard, conducted this huge analysis by looking at various types of dairy intake, ranging from milk intake to total high-fat dairy products and total low-fat dairy products and correlating to risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and all-cause mortality.  This study was a meta-analysis of many prospective cohort studies in healthy men and women (4).

Resveratrol Boosts Levels of Fat-Control Hormone

A new study suggests resveratrol, found in grapes, boosts adiponectin production.
Resveratrol, found in grapes, stimulates expression of hormone involved in fat metabolism.
If shoring up heart and cell health isn’t reason enough to try resveratrol, then perhaps help trimming down the midsection will add some extra motivation. A new study from University of Texas Health Center suggests that supplementing daily with the anti-aging compound found in grapes may increase production of a hormone produced by fat cells called adiponectin.
Adiponectin has a wide range of benefits and increased amounts of the hormone are associated with greater insulin sensitivity and reduced bodyweight. The study should interest anyone who is growing older or wants to lose weight, according to the study’s senior author Feng Liu, professor of pharmacology and member of the Barshop Institute of Longevity and Aging Studies at the Health Science Center.
The study, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, may help unravel a novel mechanism by which resveratrol acts to deliver health benefits, apart from its well-reported activation of Sirtuin 1, the “longevity gene.”

CoQ10 Adds to Mediterranean Diet’s Anti-Aging Benefits

Combining coQ10 with a Mediterranean-style diet reduces oxidative stress in elderly, a study finds.
Combining coQ10 with a Mediterranean-style diet protects against cellular oxidation.
Elderly men and women who supplement Mediterranean-style meals with coenzyme Q10 (coQ10) enjoy greater antioxidant protection and could slow aging, a Spanish study finds (1).
In a randomized crossover trial, University of Cordoba researchers assigned 20 healthy adults (ages 65 and older) to one of the three dietary protocols for the duration of four weeks: a traditional Western-style diet rich in saturated fats, a Mediterranean-style diet rich in olive oil, or a Mediterranean-style diet supplemented with coQ10 (200 mg/day in capsules).* **
The scientists found that the combination (Mediterranean-style meals and coQ10) improved antioxidant activity and reduced cellular oxidative stress in the subjects more successfully than the Mediterranean-style or Western-style diet alone.
The Mediterranean-style diet protocols also exhibited greater heart-protective benefits in comparison to the Western-style diet. The scientists noticed a significantly greater decrease in HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol) levels in response to the Western-style meals.
Writing in the December issue of AGE, the authors concluded that the effect of the Mediterranean-style diet rich in olive oil, in combination with coQ10, may have “favorable effects on the aging process” and on the prevalence of age-related conditions.

Vitamin D Status Affected by Obesity

Those who carry a few extra pounds may need more of the sunshine vitamin to stay healthy.
More of the "sunshine vitamin" may be required for people with extra pounds to stay healthy.
People who are overweight or obese are more likely to have lower circulating levels of vitamin D and may have trouble with conversion to its hormonally active form, a Norwegian study suggests.
These findings, published in the Journal of Nutrition, may partially explain why carrying extra pounds raises risk of several poor health outcomes linked to low vitamin D. The hormonally active form is critical for maintaining cell health, strong bones, a strong immune system, and a healthy heart and brain.
University of Oslo researchers observed almost 1,800 people for six years—about 62 percent obese and 11 percent morbidly obese as indicated by Body Mass Index (BMI)—and found an inverse relationship between higher BMI and serum concentrations of circulating 25(OH)2D and the hormonally active 1,25(OH)2D.

Omega-3 Slows Muscle Loss in Older Adults

Fish oil supplementation helps slow sarcopenia, hints a new study.
Fish oil may slow sarcopenia, a study suggests.
Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil stimulate muscle growth and can help prevent muscle loss in aging adults, according to a new randomized, controlled trial.
The findings, published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggest that fish oil supplementation may be useful as a nutritional intervention to counter the onset of sarcopenia, or age-related skeletal muscle loss. The researchers performing the study gave 16 healthy, older adults either omega-3 fatty acids (1.86 grams of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 1.5 grams of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) or corn oil (in equal amounts) for eight weeks.
Each of subjects in this study were considered to be in good health having no cardiovascular disease, hypertension, or diabetes. They did not engage in regular exercise, take medication that could affect protein metabolism, report excessive alcohol intake, or engage in smoking.
By the end of the study, corn oil supplementation showed no effect on muscle, but omega-3 supplementation increased muscle anabolic signaling activity.
The authors write, “Our study provides compelling evidence of an interaction of omega-3 fatty acids and protein metabolism in human muscle and suggest that dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation could potentially provide a safe, simple, and low-cost intervention to combat sarcopenia.”

Study Boosts Validity of Aging Research by John Anderson & Dr. Bill Andrews

A study shows turning on telomerase reverses aging in mice.
A study shows turning on telomerase reverses aging in mice.
A new study on mice published in Nature has added validation to research that is being performed by Bill Andrews, Ph.D., who has partnered with Isagenix Founder John Anderson to “turn back the clock” on aging.
Their approach is to screen thousands of natural product compounds a week to turn on the enzyme, telomerase, in cells to protect telomere length and reverse its loss.
Telomeres are protective sequences of repetitive non-coding DNA segments found at the end of chromosomes. In recent years, telomere length has been hypothesized to be the closest way to measure lifespan in humans.
In this latest study, Harvard Medical School researchers found that mice lacking telomerase aged much more rapidly, and died earlier, as an abundance of critically short telomeres developed. But when the enzyme was reawakened in the mice, age-related symptoms disappeared and rejuvenation was seen in several organs including their brains.

New Vitamin D Guidelines Still Fall Short, Say Experts

Experts say higher "sunshine vitamin" levels needed for optimal health.
Experts say higher "sunshine vitamin" levels needed for optimal health.
Emerging clinical research over the last decade has sparked enormous interest in the “sunshine vitamin” because of new associations with bone density, a stronger immune system, a healthier heart and brain, and maintenance of cell integrity. The hormone-like vitamin is noted to have direct effects on cells throughout the body and act on more than 2,000 genes.
For this reason, the Institute of Medicine, of the National Academy of Sciences, was asked by the United States and Canadian governments to assess current data and subsequently tasked a committee of experts to update nutrient reference values.
The IOM committee did as asked and has now tripled the recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) for vitamin D in ages 9 to 50 to (600 IU) and raised amounts even further for those ages 70 and older (800 IU). Also, it doubled the upper level (UL) intake for vitamin D (4000 IU). 
However, the new guidelines for vitamin D came as a disappointment to key vitamin D researchers who consider the report too conservative to deal with a widespread epidemic.
The influence of sun exposure in itself, which causes the skin to generate the equivalent of a whopping 20,000 IU to 40,000 IU of vitamin D within only a few minutes depending on season and time of day, has now been highly regarded as having had a profound and crucial role in preserving health, beyond the needs to regulate absorption of calcium.

Telomerase Inducer in the near future!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Everyone,
The following is an email written to Terry Probst from Isagenix formulator, John Anderson - worth reading every word!

"I have reviewed all the formulas that are currently being sold, they all h...ave very sufficient amounts of everything but the kitchen sink. In the past several months, I have submitted improved formulas to enhance the shakes, cleanse, Ionix, ageless packets, as well as new formulas. Jim and Kathy are very excited to implement these formulas asap. I just spent 4 days in the hospital for a very dangerous flu strain that swept the USA. I have never experienced a flu like this one. The reason I was admitted into the hospital was because of the fever running 100 to 102. After having a kidney transplant, any fever is no good and poses a threat to rejection. While in the hospital, the infectious disease doctor stopped by and we spoke for almost 2 hours. His visit was intended to be 10 minutes until I told him what I am researching. He was blown away at the chance to now get a telomerase inducer in the near future. He knew about the worldwide research in telomere / cancer link etc. This will be the missing link to the Isagenix cleansing system. Back to the flu; I explained that I had traveled by commercial airline to and from Montana and the lady sitting near me was sick, sweating, coughing. He agreed with me that in a planes fuselage, the germs run rampant and there’s not much that can be done. Your bodies immune system will start reacting to stop the invaders from doing their damage but these days, the strains are stronger and getting much worse. Good nutrition and a stronger immune system does help including the first line of defense white blood cells. If the foreign invader cells are still winning the battle, your body calls on the killer T cells and B cells as the heavy artillery to win the battle. The duration of the foreign cells are directly related to the damage they do to your body and the length of your sickness. So, cleansing, dense high value nutrition, antioxidants, minerals, all play an important part in your fight to stay healthy in this toxic world. However, there is nothing yet that will guarantee one will never catch the flu including the formulator! Oh, back to telomerase activity; The science of slowing telomeres and or stopping them from shortening has now been linked to Alzheimer's, cancer, aging, breakdown of the mitochondria, and most age related issues. I was just interviewed by Popular Science magazine along with Dr Andrews, we are going to be in the May issue. I coined a phrase being used in Popular Science, John F Kennedy announced in the early 60's, "Race to Space" We have our own race, "Race to Telomerase" This is a big deal announcing the breakthrough in finding answers to slowing telomere shortening. The scientific community all agree this will change the world and improve human health. The infectious disease doctor thinks this will put him out of business and hopes so. The most important things we can do right now are 1 Cleanse daily and do a deep cleanse at least once a month. (48 hours with no snacks except the IsaSnacks) 2 Ageless Essentials 3 Dense nutrition using the shakes 4 Ionix 5 Be among the first to take the ultimate telomere product You are welcome to share any of this information from my email Hope to see you at 6 & 7" John W Anderson, Isagenix Founder Dream Master, LLC Research Laboratory Nutraceutical Research.

Videos on why we need to Cleanse! CNN & MSNBC

Videos on why we need to Cleanse!
Dr. Michael Aruta (Cosmetic Surgeon) Talks about Isagenix in his Practice: Toxins in the Body:

Chemicals-Innocent or Guilty:














Soda-Cancer Link:

9 Day Cleanse Guidelines / Cheers!

If you think that cleansing is hard, it will be. If you think that cleansing is easy, it will be. Which way are you choosing to think?

8:00 AM - Start your day by  taking 1 Natural Accelerator™ and drinking 4 ounces of the Cleanse for Life drink with 12 ounces of water. You may also have an ounce of Ionix Supreme (optional). You may have an IsaDelight (optional). Note: If you start to feel sick in the stomach, first that is a good thing because you know the product is working, simply chew 1 or 2 Isagenix Snacks!™ and drink more water.

10:00 AM - Take 1 or 2 Isagenix Snacks!™ and continue drinking your water. Tip: Sucking on the snacks works best! You need to drink 32 ounces of water between cleanse drinks, which are taken 4 hours apart. That's just 8 ounces of water per hour.

12:00 Noon - Take your final (1) Natural Accelerator™ and drink another 4 ounces of Cleanse for Life drink, followed by another 12 ounces of water. You may have an IsaDelight (optional).

2:00 PM - Take 1 or 2 Isagenix Snacks!™ and continue drinking your water.

4:00 PM - Drink another 4 ounces of Cleanse for Life drink and follow it with 12 ounces of water. You may have an IsaDelight (optional).

6:00 PM - Take 1 or 2 Isagenix Snacks!™ and continue drinking your water.

8:00 PM - Drink your last 4 ounces of Cleanse for Life drink and follow it with 12 ounces of water. You may have an IsaDelight (optional), however having an IsaDelight this late in the day may keep some from sleeping .Drink as much water as you can by

10:00 PM - Take any Isagenix Snacks!™ you may have remaining, or you may want to call it a day, and go to bed. Get to bed early, by getting plenty of sleep you will be rewarded when you step on the scale.
Repeat for day two.

RECOMMENDATION: Go to bed early to avoid late evening/night cravings.
You may also have Isagenix Greens™, IsaFruits® and IsaCalcium® added to water in limited quantities.