Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nutrition Month Tip: Eat Less Omega-6 for More Omega-3

The need to increase omega-3 fats—alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) found in flax seed and walnuts; eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) found in fish—has sprung to the forefront of any healthy diet plan. These beneficial fats are profoundly beneficial for our hearts, our brains, our skin, and even our joints. Yes, these fats are vital to our health.
Switching to a diet lower in omega-6 oils may improve omega-3 status in body tissues, a new study suggests.
Switching to a diet lower in omega-6 oils may improve omega-3 status, a new study suggests.

The dietary shifts that took place in the 20th century because of developments in food processing to animal feeding-operations not only displaced important aspects of a sustainable food-system, but also displaced these essential fatty acids in our diets. A common misconception is that nutritional quality of foods decreased, alongside reduced intake of omega-3s. While it would seem that the Western diet is replete in everything but omega-3 fats, this is not the case.
Findings published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition are that North Americans are  not consuming less omega-3 fatty acids; from 1909 to 1999, omega-3 consumption increased!
So, then, what is the problem?
While dietary intake of omega-3s has seen a modest increase, consumption of its counterpart, omega-6, has skyrocketed.
According to the study, over the last century, consumption of omega-6 fatty acids, particularly linoleic acid (LA) from soy and corn oil, increased more than a thousand fold! This is the likely reason why most of us have a reduced concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in our bodies.
Why? Omega-3s and omega-6s are both essential for our health, but unfortunately they compete with one another for access to enzymes and entrance into tissues.
Too much of omega-6 leads to too little of omega-3.
When consumption of dietary omega-6 increased disproportionally to dietary omega-3, with it came a jump in chronic health problems. This is thought to be because omega-6 oils are precursors to pro-inflammatory compounds where as omega-3s are less so.
So, our last tip for National Nutrition Month is: make omega-3 fats a focus of your diet. If your diet is too rich in omega-6, then the omega-3s simply can’t contend. Take control of your dietary fats by following these simple, practical, suggestions:
  • Switch oils! Avoid vegetable cooking oils that are high in omega-6. Use olive oil instead. 
  • Avoid high-fat, processed foods
  • Eat fish at least two times weekly and take a  fish oil supplement. Fish oil is the best source of dietary eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), the long-chain omega-3 fats that are associated with the majority of the benefits, especially to cardiovascular health. A quality fish oil supplement like Isagenix IsaOmega Supreme™ will be free of heavy metals, PCBs and dioxins.
  • Eat foods containing flax seed or walnuts. They contain a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, not to mention dietary fiber. Examples are Isagenix IsaLean® Shake or SlimCakes®, which feature flax seed.
  • Enjoy IsaCrunch hemp seed as a snack or in salads, soups and yogurts. This ancient food serves as a good source of protein and provides an ideal ratio of 3:1 omega-6 to omega-3 fats, which is similar to what our hunter-gatherer ancestors are likely to have eaten.
Leading a healthy lifestyle may feel like an uphill battle, but it doesn’t have to. Yes, some dietary factors are out of our control, but we can arm ourselves with knowledge. Selectively choosing oils and electing to stay away from others will boost your omega-3 status and keep you healthier, longer.
Reference: Blasbalg TL et a. Changes in consumption of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the United States during the 20th century. AJCN 2011.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Look who’s on Isagenix

Eat, Share, and Get Paid

UFC Fighter / Testimonial

I was introduced to the Isagenix products when I was looking to cut weight for a fight. With a lot of wrestling experience I am no stranger to dropping weight for a match, but this time I was not making a lot of progress.
The BJJ coach at Ring Sports United, Joel Burris and I started talking nutrition. I had cut the calories and was getting in some major cardio, but had only lost 3lbs. He offered Isagenix as a solution. I could see that it had worked for him and a couple of guys that I know so I gave it a shot.
I started with the IsaLean Shakes, Ionix Supreme and the Cleanse for Life - not even a full Nutritional Cleanse. I kept up my workouts, but work that week was pretty busy, so I couldn't get the same amount in. Just as Joel and I planned out, I had several small meals with as many fruits and vegetables I could. I think I was eating more than I had been the week prior. Over the next 3 days I lost 12 lbs. and even more important at the time - it didn't effect my conditioning. Later that week we found out that the weight class changed to unlimited, so I added another small meal or 2 to the program and I went right back to my natural weight.
Through the processes I still leaned out and added lean muscle. I felt better and more energized through the day and my workouts felt stronger. One of the really cool parts that surprised me was that my recovery time was cut in half. So I could push harder and longer and still be ready to go the next morning.
I wanted to share this with you because that is the reason I want to share the Isagenix program with you.
Since I had gotten such great results I became more interested in my diet. I have also researched a little more about all the toxins that are all around us. It is pretty interesting and a little scary really. It has made me even happier with my choice to be using Isagenix products to both meet nutritional needs and cleanse.
There is a lot of info about the products the Nutritional Cleanse, the company and so on. Way to much to make you read through here.
So I will tell you what I tell my friends - You have two choices - the Athletic Pak and the 30Day Cleanse. These two packs have all the products that you need to get going.
When you can read through what ever you like, but trust me, you can't miss. The company will even give you a 100% refund of the products if you don't feel they were all that.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Artificial Sweeteners May Increase Your Appetite

A study showed that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame
may increase your appetite. Many people use these sweeteners
to reduce the number of calories they consume.  The study
showed that after drinking artificially sweetened drinks
there was a significant increase in the number of calories
consumed.  Try drinking water instead.

Monday, March 28, 2011

We have a very real problem in the world today—nutritional deficiency

We have a very real problem in the world today—nutritional deficiency. Due to the industrialization and degradation of our food supply, we are simply not getting the building blocks that our bodies require to make healthy cells. Add to this the explosion of the fast food industry with nutritionally empty and toxic foods, the additives, preservatives, colorings, GMO, etc. etc. and it’s no wonder that we have so much sickness and obesity!

The Isa-lean shake is perhaps the most perfect food on the planet. It is from all food ingredients—not a bunch of lab made synthetics—the finest, cleanest protein in the world, over 242 nutrients including a live enzyme delivery system that makes all of these incredible nutrients super bio-available. I would recommend that each of your children have a shake a day—perhaps a half a shake for the 3 year old and a whole one (or 2 halves) for the 10 year old. In addition, we have 2 other products that I would encourage all people to eat—the Healthy Greens and the Isa-Fruits. A recent long term study done in Europe concluded that we need at least 8 servings of fruits and veggies daily to keep our risk of cancer and heart disease down. Who has the time, energy or money to do that? Considering that there are over 72 pesticides on our fruits and vegetables, imagine the toxic load if you eat 8 servings of non-organic fruits and veggies. One scoop of our greens is the equivalent of 9 servings of organic green vegetables!! Much more affordable and convenient. I put it in the vanilla shake and you have a leprechaun shake! One scoop of the fruits gives you nutrition from over 30 red foods—some of the highest nutritional density possible. 
Through Isagenix we have access to foods that help us to address the root causes of all of the disease and obesity—toxicity, nutritional deficiency and stress (Ionix Supreme!). We also have a Prosperity Product that enables people to create income through a simple Eat and Get Paid Plan. If you know 2 people who have to eat tomorrow, you can create a serious income stream here. WE have it all.

Isagenix Team Extreme-

Fan of the week!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Will better sleep help you avoid extra pounds?

By Denise Mann
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Could lack of sleep be causing you to gain weight?
Think about it: If you’re feeling sleepy at work, you may be tempted to reach for a cup of coffee (or several cups) and a doughnut for a quick shot of energy. Later you may skip the gym and pick up takeout on your way home to your family -- no time to cook. When you finally find yourself back in your bed, you are too wound up to sleep.
It’s a vicious cycle, and eventually this sleep deprivation can sabotage your waistline and your health.
It starts out innocently enough. “When you have sleep deprivation and are running on low energy, you automatically go for a bag of potato chips or other comfort foods,” saysSusan Zafarlotfi, PhD, clinical director of the Institute for Sleep and Wake Disorders at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey.
The immediate result? You may be able to fight off sleepiness. The ultimate result? Unwanted pounds as poor food choices coupled with lack of exercise set the stage for obesity and further sleep loss.
“Sleep debt is like credit card debt,” Zafarlotfi says. “If you keep accumulating credit card debt, you will pay high interest rates or your account will be shut down until you pay it all off. If you accumulate too much sleep debt, your body will crash.”
Not getting enough sleep is common -- even talked about with pride -- in the U.S.  “We brag about an all-nighter, but we do pay a price for staying up late and getting up early,” says Mark Mahowald, MD, director of the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center in Hennepin County.
Understanding the Sleep-Diet Connection
The sleep-diet connection is regular fodder for diet books and magazine articles. Maybe you have even heard about the sleep diet, which suggests you can lose weight while you catch your ZZZs.
And it’s true, sort of.
“It’s not so much that if you sleep, you will lose weight, but if you are sleep-deprived, meaning that you are not getting enough minutes of sleep or good quality sleep, your metabolism will not function properly,” explains Michael Breus, PhD, author of Beauty Sleepand the clinical director of the sleep division for Arrowhead Health in Glendale, Ariz.
On average, we need about 7.5 hours of quality sleep per night, he says. “If you are getting this already, another half hour will not help you lose 10 pounds, but if you are a five-hour sleeper and start to sleep for seven hours a night, you will start dropping weight.”
Exactly how lack of sleep affects our ability to lose weight has a lot to do with our nightly hormones, explains Breus.
The two hormones that are key in this process are ghrelin and leptin. “Ghrelin is the ‘go’ hormone that tells you when to eat, and when you are sleep-deprived, you have more ghrelin,” Breus says. “Leptin is the hormone that tells you to stop eating, and when you are sleep deprived, you have less leptin.”
 More ghrelin plus less leptin equals weight gain.
“You are eating more, plus your metabolism is slower when you are sleep-deprived,” Breus says.
So what can you do about sleep deprivation?
A lot, says Breus. First, look at how much you sleep vs. how well you sleep. “Some people such as new moms may only get to sleep for a four-hour stretch. And there are some people who get 7.5 hours of sleep that is poor quality because of pain or an underlying sleep disorder, and this has the same effect  as if they got less sleep,” he says.
Trouble-shoot both with improved sleep hygiene, he says.
For starters, avoid any caffeine in the afternoon because it will keep you in the lighter stages of sleep -- which are associated with poor sleep -- at night. Breus recommends only decaf from 2 p.m. on. Exercise also helps improve sleep quality.  How soon before bed should you exercise? It depends -- everyone is different. It’s more important that you exercise than it is when you exercise.  Breus says to be safe, don’t exercise right before going to bed. “But some people exercise better before bed and it doesn’t affect their sleep,” he says.
Watch what you eat before bedtime. “Pizza and beer before bedtime is not a good idea,” says Breus. “Neither is eating a big meal close to bedtime.” He suggests eating a few healthy snacks and then having a light meal -- like a bowl of cereal -- if you’re running close to bedtime. Heavy, rich meals before bed can also increase risk of heartburn, which will certainly keep you up all night.
What if you are getting enough hours of sleep but wake up and feel sleepy the next day? “Talk to your doctor about seeing a sleep specialist,” Breus says. After conducting a thorough evaluation and sleep study, in which you are monitored while sleeping, the sleep specialist can help identify any underlying problem. Together you can develop a treatment plan so that you get more high-quality sleep -- and maybe even slim down.

Alcohol and the Myth of Moderation

One of the first things I discuss with my clients when they come to Hawaii to start a 24 Hour
Turnaround is their willingness to skip the alcohol while they are doing their 9 day program. The typical
attitude towards this request is "but wine is fat-free and only about 125 calories and the last diet I was
on allowed wine because they said it good for you."
Here are the facts if you are interested in losing weight and upgrading your health: Alcohol
does cause weight gain (or prevent weight loss) by short-circuiting the metabolism of food. Let me
explain. When you eat a serving of salmon (about 125 calories and very low in fat), it undergoes a long
process of digestion before it can be used to build tissue or produce energy. It's mashed by your teeth,
softened by saliva, attacked by stomach acids, and finally worked over by billions of bacteria in your
intestines. Even after passing through the intestinal walls into your bloodstream, the digested food
products (including fat) are subjected to the "first pass" through the liver. The liver scans for unwanted
chemical signals (toxins, bacteria, and so on), and removes them from the stream of nutrients. You are
what you eat--but only after it gets through your liver.
In sharp contrast to most foods, including the low-fat salmon, alcohol requires no digestion.
About 20 percent can pass right through the walls of an empty stomach directly into your bloodstream,
and the rest is easily absorbed in the small intestine. From there it heads to the liver (just like the
salmon). The liver's method of dealing with alcohol is to metabolize it for energy, creating glucose that’s
used to power your body. This becomes a top priority for the liver, which is smart enough to know that
alcohol is a toxin. But smart as it is, the liver is fairly slow at turning the alcohol into energy. The alcohol
that can’t be used by the liver immediately enters the bloodstream, causing the blood alcohol level to
increase within a minute after the first sip.
With this extra energy available from the alcohol—and this excess toxin to be removed—the
liver becomes very busy turning almost all other food that you consume into fat. Shocking, but true.
These fats are then dumped into the blood stream where they then cause tissue damage, compromised
immunity, and storage in fat cells. The liver is still dealing with the alcohol, even after your blood
alcohol level is back to normal. It can take up to 48 hours to return to the normal metabolism of dietary
fat—during which time you will not be losing weight on your Turnaround. In fact, you may be putting on
a few extra pounds.
So take a break – help cleanse and revitalize your body with an Isagenix 9-Day or 30-Day
Nutritional Cleanse Program – for a 24 Hour Turnaround – and optimal health and weight loss.

Jay Williams, Ph.D., author of “The 24-HourTurnaround”

Products for sale at our meetings!

From now on guys, I will have all the products for sale at our Thursday night meetings just in case you want to try some of the other amazing products or introduce them to your guests! See you all Thursday 7pm my friends!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weight Loss Fun Facts

How dehydrated do you have to be before your metabolism drops and weight gain occurs?
C. 1% DEHYDRATED (Correct)
... Your body is like a car, and its oil is water. You need enough water to keep your systems running fully. You should drink enough water so that your urine is clear.

People who drink a glass of water before a meal consume an average of how many less calories per meal?
A. 25
B. 50
C. 75 (Correct)
D. 125
Over the course of a year, this multiplies to 27,000 calories, which is about 8 lbs of weight loss.  Drinking half your bodyweight in ounces of water while cleansing will really aid the detoxification process. 

To get in shape, you need to work out at your target heart rate 3 times a week for how many minutes?
D. 20 MINUTES x (Correct)
The formula to find your ideal heart rate when exercising is 220 minus your age multiplied by 0.80.   While cleansing we suggest lymphatic work, nothing strenuous.  Rebounding lightly on a mini trampoline, dry sauna or body brushing can really activate your lymph and aid the body in its ability to rid itself of impurities.  15-20 minutes per day of lymphatic work will really accelerate your results.  

How Much Vitamin C Do You Really Need?

Higher intake of vitamin C may be needed to maintain healthy tissues.
Higher intake of vitamin C may be needed to maintain healthy tissues.
By Susie Rockway, Ph.D. 

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid (ascorbate), is the most frequently taken dietary supplement in North America. Yet, despite its widespread use, national surveys report that 15 percent of the population still doesn’t get enough vitamin C to meet recommended amounts for health.
Initially, the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for vitamin C was set at 60 milligrams, the amount required to prevent scurvy. The deficiency disease—commonly characterized by bleeding gums and loosened teeth helped identify the vitamin as having an essential role in collagen formation.
However, more recent research has now made it clear that more dietary vitamin C is needed to saturate body tissues such as the brain, heart, liver, and adrenal glands.
Consequently, in 2000, the RDI was raised to 90 and 75 milligrams daily for men and women. The new values were based on studies suggesting that plasma vitamin C should be maintained at specific levels (~80 µmol/L) for good health and antioxidant activity.
This is how the “debate on how much of vitamin C is needed” began—with scientists discussing two questions:
  • How much vitamin C is really needed to make an impact on plasma levels?
  • Are plasma levels really the best indication of tissue saturation levels?
Of Mice and Vitamin C 
While there is still not any consensus on this matter, a new, carefully designed study just published in the February issue of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition provides some clues for answering these questions.
In the study, New Zealand researchers compared “normal” mice vitamin C tissue saturation levels with “knockout” mice that were genetically engineered to lack the enzyme needed for synthesizing vitamin C in the body.
Without dietary vitamin C, they saw that tissue concentrations of ascorbate became deficient weeks before the onset of scurvy symptoms in the mice, similar to humans. During these weeks, the scientists observed that the mice exhibited signs of impaired collagen synthesis, changes in aortic wall structure, formation of atherosclerotic plaque, and activation of inflammatory processes.
Sustaining Tissue Concentration
The scientists observed that each tissue became deficient at different rates. For example, the brain maintained its vitamin C longer than other organs; however, after just two weeks of deficiency, vitamin C in the brain became depleted. To replenish these tissues to normal levels, plasma concentration had to be maintained saturated with daily ascorbate intakes.
In addition, they found that tissue levels of ascorbate became saturated more quickly when the mice ate kiwi fruit versus sodium ascorbate in water—the flavonoids present in kiwi are thought to enhance absorption of vitamin C by maintaining it in a reduced state (versus an oxidized state).
Lastly, based on the new evidence, the researchers wrote that the current RDI should receive no less than a 60 percent boost—from 75 milligrams per day to at least 120 milligrams per day—to keep not only plasma levels saturated, but also tissue levels of the brain, and organs that are unable to be measured with current methods.
The vitamin C researchers stressed the need for people to maintain an ongoing and constant vitamin C intake to sustain tissue concentration—which means consuming the scientists’ recommended amounts regularly.
What Weight Has to Do with Vitamin C
Another less well-known role of vitamin C is its involvement as a cofactor in the biosynthesis of carnitine, a molecule required for burning fat as energy fuel (fatty acid oxidation).
Interestingly, there is a direct inverse relationship with obesity (adiposity) and plasma vitamin C concentrations—as plasma ascorbate levels are decreased, fatty tissue increases (adiposity increases).
This association has led researchers to wonder whether or not decreased vitamin C levels cause less carnitine to be synthesized and if there is a relationship between less carnitine and less burning of fat for fuel.
Preliminary findings are that subjects who are vitamin C depleted have lower levels of carnitine leading to a 25 percent decrease in fatty acid oxidation (per kilogram body weight) than individuals whose vitamin C status is adequate.
The researchers speculate that reduced fat oxidation seen with vitamin C depletion may result in weight gain by two mechanisms:
  • Indirectly, decreased carnitine leads to increased fatigue during exercise and this may lead to exercise intolerance
  • Directly, by lipid (fat) accumulation
The prevalence of obesity in the world currently has led researchers to suggest that more attention is needed to the problem of vitamin C deficiency affecting at least 15 percent of the population, if not more.
  1. Vissers MCM, Bozonet SM, Perason JF and Braithwaite LJ. Dietary ascorbate intake affects steady state tissue concentrations in vitamin C-deficient mice: tissue deficiency after dietary ascorbate intake affects steady state tissue concentrations in vitamin C-deficient mice: tissue deficiency after suboptimal intake and super bioavailability from a food source (kiwifruit). AJCN 93(2):292-301, 2011.
  2. Johnston CS, Corte C and Swan PD. Marginal vitamin C status is associated with reduced fat oxidation during submaximal exercise in young adults. Nutr & Metab 3(35):1-5, 2006.
Dr. Rockway is Isagenix’s Director of Research and Science and has more than 25 years of experience in teaching, academic research and directing research in the dietary supplement industry. After receiving a B.S. in Biology at San Diego State University, she went to University of Arizona for her M.S. in Agricultural and Nutritional Biochemistry, and then her Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences.

Losing Stubborn Weight


Weight-loss plateaus happen. If they didn’t, we’d be worried. But here are a few suggestions you can use to support continued success. 

Exercise. Exercise can boost your results ten-fold, especially if it includes weight training. Not only will weight training help you build lean muscle, which helps burn fat, but it can also help strengthen bones. Be sure to consult a health-care professional before starting any exercise program.
Extra protein. A scoop of IsaPro with 1-1½ scoops of IsaLean Shake may be sufficient to provide an extra boost for supporting weight loss.
Snack right. We all snack. Just avoid snacking on high-calorie, nutrient-deficient foods. In other words, keep the cake, potato chips and ice cream out of the house.
Make “better bad” eating choices. If you’re out at a fast food restaurant and a greasy burger is calling your name, just choose a single-patty with lettuce and tomato and hold the cheese and mayo.
Dietary fiber. Be sure you are receiving sufficient amounts of dietary fiber daily. Fiber helps keep you feeling satisfied longer while also keeping bowel movements regular. Isagenix recommends gradually increasing fiber to 25-30 grams daily, in line with current National Fiber Council recommendations. Isagenix products FiberPro and
Weight loss success is often about making better choices.
Weight loss success is often about making better choices.
SlimCakes can help fill fiber gaps. FiberPro is a flavorless fiber supplement that can be added to shakes or any beverage. SlimCakes are delicious oatmeal-berry flavored cookies containing 5 grams of fiber each.
Avoid sugary drinks. These can add “no nutrition” calories quickly. It’s best to drink plenty of purified water and/or nutrient-dense sugar drink alternatives such as IsaFruits.
Say no to “bad” fats. The “bad” includes saturated and trans fats. “Good” fats include olive oil rich in oleic acid and fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids. To take ultimate advantage of omega-3 fatty acids, it’s best to take a high-potency, high-quality fish oil supplement daily.  New research also shows that dietary omega-3 fatty acids may be linked to lower bodyweight.
Mix it up. We all have individual differences. Something that may work for one person may not work for the next. Be sure to try a few different things and see what works best for you.
Whatever you do, it’s important that you don’t become discouraged. Shoot all scales. Pay attention to your body. As you continue to enjoy a reduced-calorie diet, providing your body with quality nutrition, and building muscle through exercise, then the weight will begin to come off safely.

Fusing Aging Theories: Telomere Shortening Leads to Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Fusing Aging Theories: Telomere Shortening Leads to Mitochondrial Dysfunction

A study finds a link between two theories of aging, which could open doors for research into improved anti-aging therapies.
A study finds a link between theories of aging, which could open doors for research into groundbreaking therapies.

New research is adding insight and linking three theories of aging—one that suggests telomere shortening governs lifespan, and two others that suggest dysfunctional mitochondria or oxidative stress leads to aging.
At Harvard-affiliated Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, scientists have gathered data suggesting telomere shortening is the cause of mitochondrial dysfunction and diminished antioxidant defenses. Together, they decrease the body’s energy and diminish organ function, both characteristic of old age.
As telomeres—protective caps at the end of cell chromosomes—shorten with age and begin to fray, cells activate the p53 gene, which signals an “emergency shutdown” chain of events that turns off normal cell growth and division and compromise antioxidant defenses. Going one step further, data from the carefully orchestrated mouse study, published in Nature, show that the p53 gene also represses PGC1-alpha and PGC1-beta. These PCGs are considered the master regulators of metabolism and mitochondrial function.
Repressing PCGs increases the number of dysfunctional mitochondria (with mutated mitochondrial DNA) and leads to a decrease in functional mitochondria distributed throughout in muscles and organs. The dysfunctional mitochondria in aged tissues leak greater amounts of reactive oxygen species and the lack of functional mitochondria hinders normal energy production from cell respiration (the body’s main producer of ATP energy).

Recharge Your Health with “Spring Cleansing”

By Dennis Harper, DO

We are all familiar with spring cleaning—the part of the year when we traditionally set aside time to clean the house or the yard. During this time, we should also remember our bodies.
When I’m asked about the best time to cleanse your body, my answer is generally, “As soon as your body starts to feel poorly.” The human body can give you clues for making good nutritional decisions, and listening closely to it is a great step toward being in charge of your health.
Listen to your body and act according to the feedback you receive.
If your body warns that it has put on a few pounds over the last couple of months, is lacking in energy, is feeling sluggish, or if your brain warns that it’s in need of clearing mental fog, then it may be time to perform a “spring cleansing” to help you recharge your health.

Spring forward to improved health with the Cleansing and Fat Burning System.
Spring forward to improved health with the Cleansing and Fat Burning System.

I personally recommend the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System for the job (now available as 30-day supply with Ageless Essentials Daily Pack)—the system comes with a range of different products including the high-protein IsaLean® Shake, the detoxification-promoting Cleanse for Life, and the adaptogen-rich Ionix® Supreme

Supplementing and Possibly Replacing Your Full Time Job

Supplementing and Possibly Replacing Your Full Time Job
From Wendy Moore,

What is your side business? 

Isagenix is a network marketing company providing nutritional breakthroughs, giving people a unique tool that’s never been available to them before. With 50 million Americans expected to diet this year alone, and most failing to keep the weight off, sports nutrition and weight loss has become a $19.6 billion U.S. industry. This opportunity has proven itself to me to be a viable and rewarding source of income to secure my financial future. It allows me the flexibility to be my own boss and balance responsibilities of career and family. I have found both financial and nutritional success with Isagenix.

Why did you choose this particular business? 

As a real estate agent working in a changing economy I was stressing my body and my bank account and was looking for a nutritional system to support my body and a business opportunity to support my family. As I used the products, the results spoke for themselves and people in my sphere started to inquire about my overall health, wellness and weight loss. I was also determined to find a business to supplement my real estate income in a fluctuating market. Isagenix offered a profitable and inexpensive way to earn residual income and take control of my own fate. Isagenix affords me the opportunity to increase my annual income by an additional 25-50% depending on the year.


  • My advice to someone who's working full time and wants to start something on the side is to ask yourself the following set of questions to make an educated decision on pursuing:
  • Leverage – Can I train other people to work with me?
  • Control – Does the company have a proven training system?
  • Creativity – Will the business allow me to be creative and develop my own personal style & talents?
  • Expandability – Can my business grow indefinitely?
  • Predictability – If I keep expanding my business, will my income increase with success and hard work?
-- Wendy Moore,

1 of 12

It's Our Birthday Today!!

Isagenix turns 9 today and we couldn’t be more proud of the incredible accomplishments we’ve achieved in less than a decade.

We’re leading the pack with our cutting-edge nutritional technology and the opportunities on the horizon are almost beyond comprehension. We appreciate your partnership, your dedication to the Isagenix vision to “impact world health and free people from physical and financial pain while becoming the largest health-and-wellness company in the world.”

From the United States to Hong Kong we are changing lives and helping people finally realize their dreams!

This year is sure to be a pivotal one for Isagenix as we continue growing closer to our goal of $1 billion in annual sales and creating products that not only change how we look and feel, but even how we age! Founder and Master Formulator John Anderson is hard at work and you won’t believe what’s in store.

Thank you for your commitment to health and wellness, to helping this company succeed and also for committing to your own success. It feels like we’re only getting started and truly the best is yet to come!

To Your Success,

Jim & Kathy Coover
Isagenix Co-Founders

Monday, March 21, 2011

7 Skin Care Myths Debunked

7 Skin Care Myths Debunked

Collagen creams, botox, microdermabrasion; the options for skincare are limitless…along with the misconceptions. So what sets Ageless Renewal Serum apart from the rest?
Check out the answers to the most common skincare myths

Save More “Green” Even Beyond St. Patrick’s Day

Even if you packed away your annual St. Patrick’s Day sweater, the savings don’t stop at Isagenix! Keep that “green” in your pocket and enjoy a special deal on our Rejuvity™ Joint and Pain Relief System.
Save 12% on this dynamic duo now

Here's what else you can find in this week's news

Isagenx Eating Healthy

How to eat right is a big question with big problems. If you live in North America and are not overweight or obese, then you are in the minority. It is just too easy to overeat with access to thousands of foods laden with calories that tempt you to eat day and night; and we all know how easy it is to avoid exercise.
This Month, start your road to recovery and “Eat Right with Color”—the theme of the American Dietetic Association’s National Nutrition Month®. The National Nutrition Month began in the 1980s and grew with a more health-conscious American public. Intended to promote good dietary habits and provide research-based nutritional information, this month is at the forefront of easy, everyday solutions to eating.
Eat Right with Color is a campaign that emphasizes whole foods and diets higher in fruits and vegetables. Eating good sources of low-fat dairy, getting adequate amounts of calcium, choosing lean sources of protein and staying away from saturated and trans fats are all-encompassed in this color-based campaign.
Typical diets are high in fat, sodium and devoid of fruits and vegetables. With bad foods and too little exercise, we encounter the problem: the ease of gaining fat just doesn’t compare to the difficulty of working it off. The slow gain is the killer—most people gaining 1 or 2 pounds around Thanksgiving and Christmas and then never lose it.
This gradual accumulation of fat year after year and gradual loss of muscle masks a common syndrome called sarcopenia. In addition to the fat gains, their location matters! Belly fat actually turns on specific hormones that create pro-inflammatory molecules called cytokines. Together, extra fat and muscle loss creates an environment that is inflammatory, which puts us at risk for chronic diseases.
Can we overcome this duo of doom? Indeed.
You can lose weight and you can keep it off.  You don’t need will power, you just need skill power. Isagenix can help guide you to change some of your habits and exchange them for healthier habits.
In honor of this nutrition month, here’s a dietary tip to keep you on track! Begin with consuming an IsaLean® Shake for breakfast. This high-protein shake helps you build muscle during the day, keeps you satiated (feeling fuller) much longer than a cereal based breakfast (protein is more able to satisfy you than either carbohydrate or fat). To add to the satiating power of protein, try adding fiber to the shake with Isagenix FiberPro or by having an Oatmeal Berry SlimCake® (5 grams of fiber).
You should be set until lunch. If you need more calories (men typically do need more calories than women),  then you can add a scoop of IsaPro® whey protein to boost the protein power and decrease hunger. You can add a snack between breakfast and lunch to keep you going (chomp on some almonds, walnuts or our Snacks).

206.396.7816 C

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Nutrition Ionix Supreme


"Ionix® Supreme has changed my life. I have a better memory, more energy, and sleep through the night. My husband and I both have so much energy and we exercise every day to help us use it up."
- Sandra B., Florida

"Ionix® Supreme is a product that I will not be without. I travel and take it with me everywhere."
- Paul T., Nevada

"Ionix® Supreme is what convinced me to get onto the 30-Day System. I drank two bottles over four weeks and couldn’t believe the energy levels I experienced. I felt alive again!"
- Richard O., Texas

"Ionix® Supreme is one of my all time favorite products! Why? It gives me incredible energy...not a coffee like energy but a clean burning energy. I call it my JET FUEL! Also when I am over tired I take an ounce or so of Ionix® Supreme liquid and I can feel my whole body relax and get ready for a great night’s sleep. We all know we can't rejuvenate well without a solid 8 hours sleep. Ionix® Supreme helps me sleep like a baby. Which is something I struggled with for 30 yrs. I LOVE the Ionix® Supreme. What a gift!"
- She-She K., Arizona

"I have found that if I take an ounce of Ionix® Supreme before my morning cardio workout, I experience much more energy that seems to allow me to run for not only a longer duration, but a higher intensity....AMAZING stuff!!"
- Kathleen P., British Columbia

"As an Ironman Triathlete, I have to recover each day so I can train the next day as well. I made a decision to train harder and with more volume. Two to three times per day I consume my "Ironman Drink Special" (one scoop Ionix® Supreme, one scoop IsaFruits® and one to two sticks of Want More Energy? ®) . I also use it at night before I retire to help me sleep better. I love this stuff!"
- Michael L., Nevada

"I think this is a fabulous product to add to the IsaLean® Shakes!"
- Jen F., California

What makes Ionix Supreme unique?
Ionix Supreme is a comprehensive collection of proven ingredients, well-documented to support mental and physical performance. Ionix Supreme is made with quality ingredients tested for potency and purity and produced by experts using a proprietary brewing process that enhances the benefits of the included ingredients.

How is Ionix® Supreme different than the other rejuvenating drinks available on the market today?
We found the most complete group of ingredients from around the world to create a powerful, nutrient-rich supplement containing a variety of adaptogens that help normalize the body’s functions*, reduce stress* and increase energy.*

What are adaptogens and why are they important?
Adaptogenic ingredients derived from plants help neutralize the effects of stress and power performance. Long-term stress may contribute to health conditions, such as high blood pressure, chronic anxiety and digestive issues.

What are antioxidants and why are they important?
Antioxidants promote immune health by helping to protect cells from damage by free radicals. Free radicals are created when your body is exposed to environmental toxins, stress and other everyday factors. Your wellness depends largely on how healthy your immune system is.
—Master Formulator and Founder John Anderson

How should I take Ionix Supreme?
To receive optimum benefits from Ionix Supreme we encourage that you take 1–2 ounces per day. The key is to listen to your body—it will often tell you when something is working positively for you. You may start off conservatively by taking ½–1 teaspoon a day and work up from there. By taking Ionix Supreme every day, you may enjoy long-term adaptogenic, anti-stress, and body-balancing benefits.

What should I know about Ionix Supreme?

Ionix Supreme is produced using a brewing process that enhances the benefits of the ingredients to help normalize the body’s functions, as well as rejuvenate and protect your body from stress. This nutrient-rich tonic contains antioxidants for cell protection and plant-based adaptogens to increase your body’s resistance to the negative effects of stress.

How can I benefit from using Ionix Supreme?

Ionix Supreme was designed to energize the cells and increase the body’s resistance to stress, while supporting mental and physical functions. Available in both powder and liquid forms, Ionix Supreme is one of the three pillars of health and a strong foundation for overall wellness.

    You may experience:
  • Reduced stress
  • Increased physical performance
  • Commanding energy
  • Pinpoint focus
  • Increased vitality
  • Greater overall health
  • The desire to achieve


I have diabetes can I still cleanse?

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, then there are a few things of which you should be aware if deciding to use the Cleansing and Fat Burning System.

Type 1 diabetes
It’s common to have lower levels of glucose while on the products. Be careful with your use of insulin. I recommend to my patients that they cut their insulin in half while they do this program and adjust it accordingly. I also recommend my patients use short-acting insulin. Please consult your doctor before adjusting medication. You cannot expect to get off of insulin, of course, but you can expect to feel better and lower the levels of insulin required.
During the Shake Days you may find that the glucose levels increase. This is expected, but if the rise is too high then you can consider switching to diluting the shake with our unflavored whey protein, IsaPro, or having ½ a shake 4 times a day or ½ a shake 2 times day. Watch your glucose levels to guide you.

 Type 2 diabetes
Monitor your glucose levels closely since it’s easy to have low levels while on the program. I personally recommend to my diabetics that they cut their medications in half if they are going to start on the 9-Day Program and if they are using insulin to only use the shorter-acting insulins. Please consult your doctor before adjusting medication.
A temporary glucose rise would be OK since it’s better than you falling into a hypoglycemic state, which is more dangerous than a hyperglycemic state. What we generally see is a reduction of both medication and glucose levels with this program. The Shake Days may very well show an increase in the glucose levels but as your weight goes down this generally is self-correcting. If this rise is too great for you then you can switch to just the IsaPro or you can use ½ a shake 4 times a day or reduce the amount to just ½ a shake 2 times a day.
I have also seen my patients no longer require any type of medication for diabetes, but individual differences doesn’t make this the case for everyone.* At the very least you should see a reduction in your weight and a reduction in the amount of medication that you are using.

Dennis Harper, DO
Isagenix Scientific Advisory Board Chair
This information on this Web site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient and her or his physician or other health-care professional.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

IsaDelight Plus

“The addition of green tea to IsaDelight Plus really enhances the flavor, giving it a more exotic, European taste. You can expect greater antioxidant support, better Cleanse Days, improved mood and an even bigger energy boost. I am truly proud of this chocolate. One taste and you’ll be hooked!”
-Dr. Paul Anderson
“After eating just two IsaDelight Plus, my energy was fantastic and my moods were even better. It is so creamy and smooth. The green tea is a wonderful addition!”
-Burcay Ozer New York, NY
“If you want to feel great, lose weight and curb cravings while eating delicious chocolate, then IsaDelight Plus is for you!”
-Dr. Mark Kimes, D.C. Carmel, CA
“IsaDelight Plus is incredible. I am excited about the addition of green tea for even more antioxidant protection. My hunger was kept at bay for hours and I felt more energized and focused.”
-Susan Sly Kingston, Ontario

How can IsaDelight PLUS help stop cravings for sugar and carbohydrates?
When your “feel good” chemicals are low, you crave unhealthy foods. IsaDelight Plus boosts “feel good” chemicals, which helps curb cravings.

Why have you added green tea extract to make IsaDelight Plus?
Green tea improves the nutritional benefits of this super chocolate by providing even more antioxidant support. It may also assist in boosting fat metabolism to help with weight-management goals.

Does IsaDelight Plus contain caffeine?
IsaDelight Plus contains only 13 milligrams or less of naturally-occurring caffeine from its chocolate, which is similar to the amount found in a decaffeinated cup of coffee, or a full size chocolate candy bar.

How does IsaDelight Plus support weight loss?
IsaDelight Plus is excellent for curbing cravings throughout the day, so it is perfect for Cleanse and Shake Days. Take 1-2 chocolates up to twice daily, best taken on an empty stomach or 2-3 hours after meals. New scientific studies suggest that not only does green tea extract contain antioxidant catechins (including EGCG) that help fight free radicals, but it also supports increased fat-burning potential in the body.

What makes IsaDelight Plus an even healthier treat?
Made from cocoa beans, chocolate contains many of the health benefits derived from fruits and dark vegetables. Dark chocolate is loaded with flavonoids (nearly eight times the number found in strawberries), which act as antioxidants to protect your body from free radicals. With the addition of 125mg of green tea extract, this super chocolate has even more youth-boosting antioxidant strength.

Improves Mood. Curbs Cravings. Boosts Energy. Helps Burn Fat and Decreases Hunger.

What should I know about IsaDelight Plus™?

Enjoy dark chocolate decadence without the guilt. This powerful green tea-enhanced treat packs an extra antioxidant boost while helping to curb cravings, increase fat metabolism, enhance mood and boost energy, leaving you looking and feeling your absolute best! Green tea contains EGCG, which guards cells against free radicals and promotes heart health. It also helps support fat burning and curbs cravings while supporting weight management goals. Just two rich and delicious treats contain the antioxidant capacity of one cup of green tea, with an ORAC value of over 5,700.

How can I benefit from eating IsaDelight Plus?

During a woman’s cycle or change of life, “feel good” chemicals can drop, which can cause sugar cravings. IsaDelight Plus helps boost your “feel good” chemicals, which can help to reduce cravings. It also contains a special blend of B Vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, which support positive mood and optimal mental energy. By curbing cravings, satisfying IsaDelight Plus strengthens your will to cleanse, promoting easy and healthy weight-management, leaving you feeling great!


Cleanse IsaLean Shakes


I love the new creamy texture.
- Dennis Harper, DO, Isagenix® Scientific Advisory Board Chair

Better than ice cream and it’s good for me!
- David C., 1 Star Silver Circle

They are out of this world. Beyond comprehension.
- Jim R., 5 Star Golden Circle and Nutritionist

I wanted to lick the bottom of the cup and not waste one drop.
- Julie D., 2 Star Silver Circle

Finally something my kids will drink.
- Miles K., Consultant

People are going to be knocking down our door to get these shakes.
- Bonnie P., 5 Star Golden Circle

Who needs ice cream anymore?
- Janey S., Consultant

These shakes make me feel satisfied longer.
- Paul J., Consultant

Tastes like a decadent dessert. Not a healthy drink.
- Kimberly M., Associate

“These shakes are unbelievable. Dr. Wheeler and his team did an amazing job.”
- Paul Anderson, MD, DAPM

Love the IsaLean® Shakes; they’re a delicious, whole meal replacement. Perfect protein/carb balance with the clean, undenatured protein with all enzymes/amino acids. I don’t go a day without it. My daughter has it every day. I feel healthier and less cravings than ever on my shakes.
- Mitja K., Washington
What makes IsaLean Shakes unique?

IsaLean Shakes contain superior nutrition compared to other meal replacement shakes on the market. IsaLean Shakes contain exclusively sourced IsaPro® Complex, the highest quality whey protein concentrate and casein protein from the world’s largest dairy group in New Zealand, whose standards exceed the USDA organic standards. The cows are pasture-fed and not treated with hormones or antibiotics. The protein in our shakes is extracted from the milk using a proprietary technology that no other company in the world can mimic. As a result, IsaLean Shakes contain lower lactose levels and a superior amino acid profile. IsaLean Shakes also contain Ionic Alfalfa™—our proprietary blend of supercharged rare Earth minerals to keep the body running at peak performance.

Why are IsaLean Shakes so important for the body?
IsaLean Shakes provide balanced nutrients to maximize nutrition while minimizing caloric intake for safe weight loss and effective weight management. Our exclusive shakes also have added enzymes to break down the carbohydrates, proteins and fats for maximum absorption of key nutrients.

How do IsaLean Shakes support Nutritional Cleansing?
Protein is an important nutrient needed by everyone on a daily basis. It is made up of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are the “building blocks” for healthy bodies. Our high quality whey protein concentrate contains a superior amino acid profile for optimum health and wellness. Protein has a number of different roles in the body including the following:

• Repair body cells
• Build and repair muscles and bones
• Provide a source of energy
• Curb cravings
• Control many of the important processes in the body related to metabolism

What can I add to my IsaLean Shakes?
Our delicious shakes are perfect enjoyed just as they are. However, they are also extremely versatile and can be mixed with other great Isagenix products. For extra nutrition, add a scoop of IsaFruits®, Isagenix Greens!™, Want More Energy?®, IsaPro, Isagenix FiberPro™ or a half of an Oatmeal Berry SlimCake. You can add fresh fruit to your shake. See your Independent Associate for recipes.

A satisfying and delicious meal replacement shake
You’ll love each sip of our smooth IsaLean shake. This deliciously complete meal replacement contains 23 grams of the highest quality New Zealand whey and casein protein from grass-fed cows with no added hormones or antibiotics, as well as filling fiber, calcium and vitamins to support your body’s vital functions. This perfectly balanced shake also contains Ionic Alfalfa™, our proprietary blend of 70 super-charged minerals, trace minerals and alfalfa juice. Active enzymes in each serving helps maximize the absorption of key nutrients.

IsaLean Shakes are an important part of your Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System and may help you slim down, while preserving and building lean muscle mass.*

  • May support your body in burning fat*
  • May support increased energy*
  • Highest quality of amino acids
  • Exclusive source of whey and casein protein
  • Supports digestive health*
  • Low lactose
  • Zero trans fats
  • No artificial flavors
  • Gluten-Free
  • Wheat-Free


IsaLean Bar


“The new bars are to live for!”
- Jimmy S., No. 1 Income Earner and 9 Star Golden Circle, Pennsylvania

“I love the new bars. They’re the most delicious tasting bars yet!”
- Shiva B., 1 Star Silver Circle, California

“New bars taste great. They seriously taste like a candy bar and if they’re healthy for you and taste like that, then it’s something!”
- Derek M., Associate, Utah

“They’re like Snickers candy bars!”
- Bill A., 1 Star Silver Circle, California

“The new bars have a nice texture, soft, crunchy and a good flavor.”
- Mint, Star Consultant, California

IsaLean® Bars save my life every time I’m caught on an airplane or am unable to eat a healthy meal on the run!
- Alicia P., Colorado

IsaLean® Bars are my “M&M” snack – I cut a bar into pieces and enjoy one morsel at a time. Just cut the bar lengthwise in the pieces and then into cubes. These satisfy me better than a calorie-laden candy bar and keep my energy levels high.
- Pam F., Oklahoma

At lunch time during the week I go to the gym to work out so when I get back to my office I like to have a meal replacement bar. I know I am having a balanced meal with IsaLean® Bars and it makes me feel good about myself.
- Anna M., Texas

I like to chop up IsaLean® Bars and mix them with chopped up SlimCakes® and organic raw almonds for an awesome trail mix that fills me up between meals.
- Rick R., California

IsaLean® Bars are delicious. I will never buy another energy bar again!
- Rose M., California

My kids are hooked on IsaLean® Bars! We buy five boxes a month. Thank you Isagenix for giving my three very active boys something else to snack on!
- Maria L., New York

I used to be addicted to sweets. I had an IsaLean® Bar before a church Halloween party and was tempted by one table of cake. But, I felt so satisfied from the IsaLean® Bar that I didn’t have a bite and didn’t feel deprived.
- Sherrie H., Illinois

What makes IsaLean Bars unique?
IsaLean Bars contain a high-quality whey protein from New Zealand, where the cows are pasture-fed and not treated with hormones or antibiotics. The protein is extracted from the milk using an exclusive, proprietary technology. Isagenix® has sole access to this exclusive manufacturing process; no other company in the world can mimic what we have done in order to produce our whey protein concentrate. Using this proprietary technology, IsaLean Bars contain lower lactose levels and a higher amino acid profile.

Why are IsaLean Bars so important for the body?
IsaLean Bars provide balanced nutrients to maximize nutrition while minimizing calorie intake for safe weight loss. IsaLean Bars contain superior nutrition compared to other meal alternative bars on the market.

Can children eat IsaLean Bars?
Yes, adults and children alike can benefit from the exceptional nutritional profile in IsaLean Bars. They taste great and can be used as a total meal replacement or a great healthy snack.

Power your way through the day.
When you’re on the go, grab this delicious, convenient, nutritionally-complete meal replacement bar that will reduce cravings and keep you satisfied for hours! Our Lemon Passion Crunch and Chocolate Decadence contain the same nutritional profile as our two other bars. We have also improved the taste and texture of our Chocolate Cream Crisp and Chocolate Peanut Crunch Bars. Two new flavors. Four amazing products.

Why replace a high-calorie meal with an IsaLean® Bar?
  • Packed with premium undenatured whey protein, healthy fats and energy-boosting carbohydrates
  • Low calorie with no trans fats
  • Superior amino acid profile and lower lactose levels for easier digestion
  • Great as a part of your Total Health and Wellness or Cleansing and Fat Burning Systems to maximize weight loss while safely lowering caloric intake
  • Complete nutrition for kids and adults


Cleanse IsaFlush

“When you use CFL daily, you help prevent the toxins that enter the body every day from becoming embedded in the soft tissue and cells. Plus you benefit from the powerful ingredients that are building blocks for good health and vitality.”
- John Anderson

I’ve started doing the Cleanse for Life® every day and I feel like it lights me up even more. I also do a two-day cleanse a couple of times a month.
- Karolynn D., California

I can’t imagine not cleansing my body and doing the daily cleanse every day. It gives me so much energy and has made such a profound difference. I feel better now than I’ve ever felt in my life.
- Rick R., California

Cleanse regularly!
Soothe intestinal discomfort and enhance regularity

Five cleansing herbs and minerals make IsaFlush!® a safe and effective cleanse-support product. Although it’s perfect for Cleanse Days, you can use it any time you have a problem with regularity or digestion.

A balanced digestive system helps improve your ability to eliminate waste, absorb nutrients and withstand physical, emotional and environmental stress.

60-day supply.
    You may experience:
  • Greater regularity
  • Reduced digestive discomfort
  • Improved energy
  • Integrates easily into your cleansing program
  • Supports heart and lung health
How is IsaFlush! unique?
Five gentle-cleansing herbs and minerals make IsaFlush! a safe and effective product that supports
cleansing. It’s perfect for Cleanse Days and you can use it any time you have a problem with regularity
or digestion.

What are the benefits of IsaFlush!?
Did you know that many diseases start in the digestive tract? A balanced digestive system helps improve your ability to eliminate waste, absorb nutrients and withstand physical, emotional and environmental stress. IsaFlush! can help with:
• Greater regularity*
• Reduced digestive discomfort*
• Improved energy*
• Integrates easily into your cleansing program*
• Supports heart and lung health*

How do I use IsaFlush!?
Take 1–2 capsules daily, preferably on an empty stomach at bedtime. Amount recommended may vary
depending on intended purpose and advice from your healthcare practitioner.

When should I use IsaFlush! in my Isagenix program?
IsaFlush! is perfect for Cleanse Days or anytime you have a problem with regularity or digestion. A balanced digestive system helps improve your ability to eliminate waste and withstand physical, emotional and environmental stress.

Is IsaFlush! a laxative?
No. IsaFlush! contains five cleansing herbs and minerals, which support improved water absorption for better colonic function. IsaFlush! helps improve digestion and reduces intestinal discomfort, as well as aid in digestive regularity.

206.396.7816 C

Isagenix Cleanse For Life


“When you use CFL daily, you help prevent the toxins that enter the body every day from becoming embedded in the soft tissue and cells. Plus you benefit from the powerful ingredients that are building blocks for good health and vitality.”
- John Anderson

I’ve started doing the Cleanse for Life® every day and I feel like it lights me up even more. I also do a two-day cleanse a couple of times a month.
- Karolynn D., California

I can’t imagine not cleansing my body and doing the daily cleanse every day. It gives me so much energy and has made such a profound difference. I feel better now than I’ve ever felt in my life.
- Rick R., California

What makes Cleanse for Life™ unique?
Most products claim only to cleanse the colon or liver and do not provide key nutrients. Cleanse for Life is different, it contains an exclusive combination of ionic minerals, botanicals, vitamins that cleanse the entire body on a cellular level, while supporting improved health. Cleanse for Life actually nourishes the body as it cleanses.

Do I need both every day cleansing and deep cleansing?
For everyday cleansing, use 1-2 ounces up to twice daily. For deep cleansing, drink 4 ounces four times daily. A regular cleansing regime can help improve and maintain your overall health and vitality.

How often should I use Cleanse for Life?
We recommend using 1-to-2 ounces of Cleanse for Life twice daily in combination with regular deep cleansing, which can be done weekly or twice a month. A regular cleansing regime can help improve and maintain your overall health and vitality.

How can I benefit from drinking Cleanse for Life?
When you drink Cleanse for Life, you help your body eliminate toxins and impurities that we’re exposed to on a daily basis. When used as part of the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System**, including proper diet and exercise, Cleanse for Life offers a number of healthy benefits:

• Increases energy and endurance*
• Helps to lose excess weight*
• Increases resistance to oxidative stress*
• Improves mental and physical performance*
• Strengthens the immune system*
• Supports cardiovascular, respiratory and circulatory health*
• Aids digestive health*

Is Cleanse for Life™ safe?

Absolutely! However, as with any other dietary product, if you are pregnant, nursing, diabetic, on medication, have any medical condition, or are beginning a weight control programs, you should consult your Healthcare Professional before using this or any other dietary supplement.

206.396.7816 C