Sunday, March 27, 2011

Alcohol and the Myth of Moderation

One of the first things I discuss with my clients when they come to Hawaii to start a 24 Hour
Turnaround is their willingness to skip the alcohol while they are doing their 9 day program. The typical
attitude towards this request is "but wine is fat-free and only about 125 calories and the last diet I was
on allowed wine because they said it good for you."
Here are the facts if you are interested in losing weight and upgrading your health: Alcohol
does cause weight gain (or prevent weight loss) by short-circuiting the metabolism of food. Let me
explain. When you eat a serving of salmon (about 125 calories and very low in fat), it undergoes a long
process of digestion before it can be used to build tissue or produce energy. It's mashed by your teeth,
softened by saliva, attacked by stomach acids, and finally worked over by billions of bacteria in your
intestines. Even after passing through the intestinal walls into your bloodstream, the digested food
products (including fat) are subjected to the "first pass" through the liver. The liver scans for unwanted
chemical signals (toxins, bacteria, and so on), and removes them from the stream of nutrients. You are
what you eat--but only after it gets through your liver.
In sharp contrast to most foods, including the low-fat salmon, alcohol requires no digestion.
About 20 percent can pass right through the walls of an empty stomach directly into your bloodstream,
and the rest is easily absorbed in the small intestine. From there it heads to the liver (just like the
salmon). The liver's method of dealing with alcohol is to metabolize it for energy, creating glucose that’s
used to power your body. This becomes a top priority for the liver, which is smart enough to know that
alcohol is a toxin. But smart as it is, the liver is fairly slow at turning the alcohol into energy. The alcohol
that can’t be used by the liver immediately enters the bloodstream, causing the blood alcohol level to
increase within a minute after the first sip.
With this extra energy available from the alcohol—and this excess toxin to be removed—the
liver becomes very busy turning almost all other food that you consume into fat. Shocking, but true.
These fats are then dumped into the blood stream where they then cause tissue damage, compromised
immunity, and storage in fat cells. The liver is still dealing with the alcohol, even after your blood
alcohol level is back to normal. It can take up to 48 hours to return to the normal metabolism of dietary
fat—during which time you will not be losing weight on your Turnaround. In fact, you may be putting on
a few extra pounds.
So take a break – help cleanse and revitalize your body with an Isagenix 9-Day or 30-Day
Nutritional Cleanse Program – for a 24 Hour Turnaround – and optimal health and weight loss.

Jay Williams, Ph.D., author of “The 24-HourTurnaround”

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